Oilfield Houses Oilfield Housing for workforce man camp homes.
Oilfield Trailer Houses – Man camp homes – floor plans
Oilfield houses workforce housing
man camp homes delivered factory direct discount housing solutions for oil & gas well sites and investments. 210-887-2760
When you need reliable, well built, rugged construction for your team, you want these built for you. Your investment is important and the safety & well being of your workers is paramount. Why put your money into a bad investment that will tear up and fall apart within weeks or months? Get prices on rugged, workforce office & sleeper housing installation
5 bed 5 Bath Oilfield House bathroom 5 BEDROOM 5 BATH OILFIELD HOUSING MANCAMP HOME
Oilfield Houses Man Camp Homes
Workforce Housing Trailer Homes
We have many option on housing floor plans. Mudlogging trailers with bedrooms and offices, sleep/work accommodations even hotel style rooms for investors or those who want private rooms with kitchenettes.
floor plans for oilfield trailer houses|Employee sleepers|camp homes floor plans for oil & gas work sites…
Bunk houses up to 10 rooms in a single trailer.
oilfield housing- mancamp investment installation services for remote workforce work sleep units. Call 210-887-2760
We understand the oil & gas industry demand for tough, affordable, quality oilfield trailer houses for use as employee housing solutions that can be delivered in very short order with little or no hassle. We offer Transportable offices, living quarters and self-sufficient work/live environments that can be specifically designed to meet your specifications and company need , constructed to be delivered to your site on time , on budget & on your schedule.
Temporary – emergency Housing for Texas Oilfield well sites & Gas Industry
Need emergency housing? we can help you by selling you wholesale to public Oilfield Trailer Houses, these manufactured homes are from a selection of builders here in TEXAS. These are ruggedly built oilfield trailer houses for Temporary or Emergency Housing for Texas Oilfield well sites & Gas Industry or disaster relief.
We can typically build and deliver to your location in 30 days or less.
Fast delivery oilfield housing to your remote locations
Oilfield Trailer Houses for sale Man camp setup installation & Transport Turn Key operations from land development , home sales & installation to furniture, appliances & linens
for access to Oilfield Employee Housing CALL 210-887-2760
We offer dozens of floor plans of oilfield trailer houses housing units designed to meet today’s demands in the field. We have Quality Texas Oilfield Housing & Office Floor Plans